Are you ready for your webcam interview ???

Seeking Work….. well, Its time you brush up your on-camera skills.

Video or web cam interview is a popular concept used by a lot of companies now, as it saves time and cost. Some of the video interviewing platforms used today are: Interview4, Montage, Zoom, InterviewStream, Jobvite and Skype. But having said that there are a lot of hiccups faced by all with this fast emerging trend.

Some commonly heard ones are:

If the setting is a household or a non official place, then the beeps of the washing machine or the whirring of the fan is a distraction. Cat and dogs appear unannounced. Inappropriate background pictures are some of the few uncomfortable moments for the company and as well as the candidates.

Benjamin Franklin supposedly once said “If you fail to planyou are planning to fail.”

To counter these pitfalls and look proficient at what you do, there is some etiquette rules which when followed help smoothen the process:

The Do’s


First thing that the interviewer notices during the Video interview is your display picture and username. Ensure that both are professionally apt or create one for the same (It’s usually free!!).

Tech Support:

Familiarize yourself with the software and hardware you would be using. Do a test run half hour before the interview to check. It is very important that the internet connection is functions properly as it is difficult to have a discussion with constant interruptions due to technological difficulties. It hampers the positive impression which might have got you the interview in the first place.


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Things to keep in mind for a Video or Web cam interview ..!!