Crop tops… is it a classic already !

My early memory of crop top is having seen Will Smith wearing it in the sitcom ‘Fresh Prince of Bel Air” or ‘Apollo Creed’ in the movie ‘Rocky’. For the longest time I was under the impression that it was worn mainly by men and after reading a couple of articles about the same, I realised that it was somewhat true for a short period of time atleast .

In the 70’s football athlete and musicians, mainly rappers used to wear it a lot. It was not until the 80’s and 90’s that it was seen as an aerobic workout outfit for men and women and soon became a big part of the fashion scene … its said the movie ‘Flashdance‘ initiated the craze.

Crop tops have been part of most girls’ pre adulthood era, it was often used as a sign of rebellion and also kind of trying to understand your sexuality while growing up. We all had one for sure which was worn on a sunny summer afternoon at the beach or during our girly outings together shopping or movies. All in all crop tops were part of our pre grown up, flat midriff and can wear anything coz we are young times.

Today I wonder, if I can wear the same even if I have an okay mid riff and a bootylicious jeans to go with it, will it be over the top trying to hard, isn’t it revealing to show so much skin? Shy .. sure.. but all the while curious…… Toying with these questions I started my quest to find pairing for my sweet, cute, oh.. makes me look so hot but still appropriate for my crossed teens long time back years.

While one may feel it a tricky trend, I found out eventually that it is versatile and every girl can find a way to sport one in a way that’s comfortable for her.

Here are some ways that may sway you to the cropped side—or if you’re already here, convince you to stay:

Go slow:

If still hesitant, you can go for slightly modest, longer crop tops in thicker material.

long crop top

High Waisted:

Since the hem of the top is short, add height of the waist of the bottom and very little or no skin is seen. Try voluminous midis or culottes to class up the act.

crop top with high waisted skirt


Another conservative route is adding sleeves to the crop top as it adds a sense of balance the short top.

crop top with sleeves


The crop tops don’t necessarily need to be skin tight, maybe a baggier fit would be more comfortable and less nerve wracking for some.

loose crop top


Matching separates would make them look cute and more lady like.

matching crop top set


It can be worn under a dungaree, overalls, romper or a jumpsuit. Offers a nice cute peek to the side of your upper body.

dungaree and crop top

Professional ensemble:

Contrary to the belief, this garment when teamed up with a high waisted bottom and a blazer does wonder to your work look.

crop top blazer

Last but not the least, Layer:

It is a winter surprise, one can wear it on top of your long tops or dresses for a relaxed, effortless look.

Crop over shirt

You can visit for a taste of crop tops. You will find a good range and selection to suit every need.

See you soon with my next blog… till then stay in love .. XOXO… Aarti Mishra.

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