Tech save your neck 

Text neck or also known as Tech neck are words which describe an illness which is caused by us looking down at our wireless devices like, smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. too frequently and for too long. It is associated with chronic headaches, shoulder / neck pain and upper back muscle spasms.

Imagine a person using a cell phone or a tablet, even a laptop……. What do we see? Most of us would see this person bent over the device. The posture mostly is the same, out of shape.

Our neck is designed to take the weight of the head. When you bend your head for an extended period of time, your neck is strained as it experiences a load increase. 

Slumped body position also brings along other problem with it, for example: the lungs can’t expand to the maximum which results in less oxygen to the heart and other parts. 

The human body will eventually start taking the shape most comfortable to support the neck, hence spine deformity also starts.

Neck pain is now an accessory which you get along with a cell phone. People have accepted it like they have welcomed smog, global warming and obesity.

Of course you have exercise and other measures you can now take to stay healthy:
Level up

Keep the device at your eye level or higher. 

Push yourself 

Since the back is slumped in, at regular intervals arch your back.


Check your alignment, if the ear is aligned to the shoulder in a straight line.

Other parts of your body

Thumb, elbow and wrist are also parts effected by this abuse so give them regular breaks and movement. 

Statistics suggest that these devices are here to stay and the dependency is going to increase by the day. Recognising pain as warning and changing the way you view your device is one of the sure ways of making a difference.

Cheers and Happy New year to you all.

Written by, 

Aarti Mishra