Listen to the feet talk……

Talking is the most used way of communicating but also known fact is that we use more parts of our body than our lips to do the talking.

The extremity of our body, the feet is usually ignored in the communication process. Very few realise that human feet has a mind of its own. It betrays us on an almost daily basis. Advertises our secrets to those who know what to look for. Our feet and legs are not only our primary means of locomotion; they are in the forefront of our fight-or-flight-or-freeze survival responses.


The direction of the feet talks a lot. If it points towards you then the person is interested and if the leg is pointing in another direction then either the person is disinterested, uncomfortable or wants to be somewhere else but here.

Crossing your legs

Crossing your legs while standing is construed the same way as when you cross your arms on your chest. The person is either rigid or just has a closed mind about the topic you are discussing. Usually this person may or not may not be in agreement with what you are saying.

Foot positions are revealing even if someone’s legs are crossed. If the toe of the leg on top points toward you, the person is most likely interested in you. If the toe points away, the person is probably withdrawing

Feet apart

Standing with legs stretched apart and firmly rooted to the ground means either confidence or authority or both. This is common with bosses and instructors at work, more like a statement of authority. It can be very intimidating to the subjects sometimes, which is often the intention. They seem to be saying, “I’m the boss and there is nothing you can do about it!”

Tippity tap tap

Tapping is essentially a sign of anxiety or impatience. If you are talking to someone and they start tapping their feet, then this is the ultimate sign that they are either not in the same pace or place you are in.

Our feet and legs react not only to stressors and threats but to positive emotions as well. Dancing for joy, kicking up your heels, walking on air and staying on your toes are all familiar phrases for a reason.

Feet say a lot about self-confidence. When you stand with your feet close together, you appear timid or hesitant. When you widen your stance, you look more solid and sure of yourself.

Several scientific research says that the reason our feet may be giving us away is that they are part of the body from which we have the least internal feedback. Gestures made by the legs and feet are left uncontrolled–and thus are where the truth can most often be found.

Now as you look at the behaviours of people around you to understand their thoughts and feeling, remember to check their feet as well .. they may have a story to tell

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