Fashion Fix for the First Trimester

First trimester wardrobe haul…..

This write-up is mainly for the first time ‘Mom to be’s’ but if it helps fathers and any already ‘Mommy’ then I would be super honored. Pregnancy is beautiful but the process is daunting for the uninitiated especially the first few months (a.k.a first trimester).

This article would hopefully help you approach the clothing aspect with more confidence and the rest would be fabulous. It’s said that a woman looks her best when she is pregnant and it’s obvious since she is creating a life in her. Of course the first trimester does everything to her body to make her feel otherwise. Morning sickness, nausea, hormones overload, mood swings, belly and hips getting wider are just the more famous evils.

Embrace the fact you are pregnant and your body is supposed to change slowly and gradually. Many people don’t want to divulge their growing secret until at least the second trimester and that lasts up to 14 weeks. Now comes the challenge, How to hide the bump till you are ready to tell or look slim without spending too much.

Few things to remember before we start on that:

  1. Comfort is crucial and hence clothes which ease the belly and bust area does help a lot to go through the first few months in peace. Invest in good comfortable lingerie. Women usually feel pain around the rib cages and wearing underwire is almost cruel. Buy bras with wide band for back and shoulder support, to ease any discomfort.
  2. Contrary to what is heard you do not have to buy a lot of maternity clothes in the first three months. Lot of the clothes from your current wardrobe usually tides you over for couples of months or at least till you are noticeably big.
  3. Get the small messenger bags out as now you are supposed to avoid carrying heavy things. So if the bag is small, it becomes a conscious effort to abide by that rule.

  1. Wear flat comfortable footwear and size up for additional comfort.

Wardrobe picks:


This is a time when your favorite pair starts to let you down by a few centimeters every time you pick it. Before you run to get those maternity pants, here is a tutorial to make it go a few extra miles.

It’s called the hair band trick…. its super cool


Add layers to your clothes. If it’s hot and humid mostly as in Mumbai, India then light weight blazers for work and shrugs or button down shirts for casual wear which takes the attention away from the belly area.

Go long:

  • Buy long tank/ vest tops that skim over your belly. There are varieties to choose from, razor back, camisole style, wide shoulder straps. Try getting the ones with support as any amount of support is welcome during this time. They are great when layered.
  • Elongate your form. Long slouchy tops or dresses (Jersey knit, shift, t-shirt style, A line, boho style, fit and flare).
  • Blouson style top is one that has a fitted waistband at the bottom but some roominess above the band. The fabric falls loosely over your belly while the fitted waistband keeps the look more tailored


It’s comfortable and can be made into a fashion statement always. Combine it with Duster jacket, chunky sweater, sneakers and lo behold..…diva has emerged.


Elastic and drawstrings are excellent to adjust the increase in width. Harem pants which are narrow at the bottom are also cool if you don’t want a boxier look.

Vertical designs:

Vertical designs are instantly slimming. Just ensure that print is not bigger or smaller than you as a person, as it will overwhelm the whole outfit.

Colour blocks

Placing dark colours over your stomach will make it look small. Disappearing panels and ombre designs also have the same effect, the darker portion will help mask your middle.


Ruching is a technique where fabric is gathered and bunched. When a fabric is rouched in the right place, it can take attention away from the abdomen and sometimes make the waist look smaller.

Donts :

Avoid empire line tops till you are actually ready to tell people about your pregnancy.

Stay away from low waisted jeans as they would be very uncomfortable after the first few weeks.

Short length dress/ skirt sometimes broadens your structure.

Covering yourself with sweat clothes garners more attention and makes you look lumpy.

Avoid tops that are too billowy and tent-like, as well. Look for ones that flow gracefully over the extra pounds beneath while still having a bit of shape.

It’s easy to maintain your own style by following some tricks and tips for comfort. Use lotion early and everywhere. Hydrate, water is your best friend. Maintain a journal if you can and do not forget to take a before picture. The picture is fun and will help you compare and check progress, also motivate you to lose the baby weight after your pregnancy.

Check out the collection in for your fashion needs anytime, any season, any reason.…

Soon will be coming out with a detailed book about the entire clothing process during pregnancy ……. Until next time………. XOXO


Love to all…


Aarti Mishra