Are you ready for your webcam interview ???

Seeking Work….. well, Its time you brush up your on-camera skills.

Video or web cam interview is a popular concept used by a lot of companies now, as it saves time and cost. Some of the video interviewing platforms used today are: Interview4, Montage, Zoom, InterviewStream, Jobvite and Skype. But having said that there are a lot of hiccups faced by all with this fast emerging trend.

Some commonly heard ones are:

If the setting is a household or a non official place, then the beeps of the washing machine or the whirring of the fan is a distraction. Cat and dogs appear unannounced. Inappropriate background pictures are some of the few uncomfortable moments for the company and as well as the candidates.

Benjamin Franklin supposedly once said “If you fail to planyou are planning to fail.”

To counter these pitfalls and look proficient at what you do, there is some etiquette rules which when followed help smoothen the process:

The Do’s


First thing that the interviewer notices during the Video interview is your display picture and username. Ensure that both are professionally apt or create one for the same (It’s usually free!!).

Tech Support:

Familiarize yourself with the software and hardware you would be using. Do a test run half hour before the interview to check. It is very important that the internet connection is functions properly as it is difficult to have a discussion with constant interruptions due to technological difficulties. It hampers the positive impression which might have got you the interview in the first place.


Read more…

Things to keep in mind for a Video or Web cam interview ..!!

Tech save your neck 

Text neck or also known as Tech neck are words which describe an illness which is caused by us looking down at our wireless devices like, smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. too frequently and for too long. It is associated with chronic headaches, shoulder / neck pain and upper back muscle spasms.

Imagine a person using a cell phone or a tablet, even a laptop……. What do we see? Most of us would see this person bent over the device. The posture mostly is the same, out of shape.

Our neck is designed to take the weight of the head. When you bend your head for an extended period of time, your neck is strained as it experiences a load increase. 

Slumped body position also brings along other problem with it, for example: the lungs can’t expand to the maximum which results in less oxygen to the heart and other parts. 

The human body will eventually start taking the shape most comfortable to support the neck, hence spine deformity also starts.

Neck pain is now an accessory which you get along with a cell phone. People have accepted it like they have welcomed smog, global warming and obesity.

Of course you have exercise and other measures you can now take to stay healthy:
Level up

Keep the device at your eye level or higher. 

Push yourself 

Since the back is slumped in, at regular intervals arch your back.


Check your alignment, if the ear is aligned to the shoulder in a straight line.

Other parts of your body

Thumb, elbow and wrist are also parts effected by this abuse so give them regular breaks and movement. 

Statistics suggest that these devices are here to stay and the dependency is going to increase by the day. Recognising pain as warning and changing the way you view your device is one of the sure ways of making a difference.

Cheers and Happy New year to you all.

Written by, 

Aarti Mishra

Listen to the feet talk……

Talking is the most used way of communicating but also known fact is that we use more parts of our body than our lips to do the talking.

The extremity of our body, the feet is usually ignored in the communication process. Very few realise that human feet has a mind of its own. It betrays us on an almost daily basis. Advertises our secrets to those who know what to look for. Our feet and legs are not only our primary means of locomotion; they are in the forefront of our fight-or-flight-or-freeze survival responses.


The direction of the feet talks a lot. If it points towards you then the person is interested and if the leg is pointing in another direction then either the person is disinterested, uncomfortable or wants to be somewhere else but here.

Crossing your legs

Crossing your legs while standing is construed the same way as when you cross your arms on your chest. The person is either rigid or just has a closed mind about the topic you are discussing. Usually this person may or not may not be in agreement with what you are saying.

Foot positions are revealing even if someone’s legs are crossed. If the toe of the leg on top points toward you, the person is most likely interested in you. If the toe points away, the person is probably withdrawing

Feet apart

Standing with legs stretched apart and firmly rooted to the ground means either confidence or authority or both. This is common with bosses and instructors at work, more like a statement of authority. It can be very intimidating to the subjects sometimes, which is often the intention. They seem to be saying, “I’m the boss and there is nothing you can do about it!”

Tippity tap tap

Tapping is essentially a sign of anxiety or impatience. If you are talking to someone and they start tapping their feet, then this is the ultimate sign that they are either not in the same pace or place you are in.

Our feet and legs react not only to stressors and threats but to positive emotions as well. Dancing for joy, kicking up your heels, walking on air and staying on your toes are all familiar phrases for a reason.

Feet say a lot about self-confidence. When you stand with your feet close together, you appear timid or hesitant. When you widen your stance, you look more solid and sure of yourself.

Several scientific research says that the reason our feet may be giving us away is that they are part of the body from which we have the least internal feedback. Gestures made by the legs and feet are left uncontrolled–and thus are where the truth can most often be found.

Now as you look at the behaviours of people around you to understand their thoughts and feeling, remember to check their feet as well .. they may have a story to tell

Things to keep in mind for a Video or Web cam interview ..!!

Seeking Work….. well, Its time you brush up your on-camera skills.

Video or web cam interview is a popular concept used by a lot of companies now, as it saves time and cost. Some of the video interviewing platforms used today are: Interview4, Montage, Zoom, InterviewStream, Jobvite and Skype. But having said that there are a lot of hiccups faced by all with this fast emerging trend.

Some commonly heard ones are:

If the setting is a household or a non official place, then the beeps of the washing machine or the whirring of the fan is a distraction. Cat and dogs appear unannounced. Inappropriate background pictures are some of the few uncomfortable moments for the company and as well as the candidates.

Benjamin Franklin supposedly once said “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”

To counter these pitfalls and look proficient at what you do, there is some etiquette rules which when followed help smoothen the process:

The Do’s


First thing that the interviewer notices during the Video interview is your display picture and username. Ensure that both are professionally apt or create one for the same (It’s usually free!!).

Tech Support:

Familiarize yourself with the software and hardware you would be using. Do a test run half hour before the interview to check. It is very important that the internet connection is functions properly as it is difficult to have a discussion with constant interruptions due to technological difficulties. It hampers the positive impression which might have got you the interview in the first place.

Sound quality:

Headphones, headsets and earphones optimize sound quality for both ends of the conversation. They are easy to listen to because they have high quality speakers that are held onto your ear in a way that you determine. Many headsets have amplifiers that let you set the tone and volume of the sound. The microphone is in the perfect position to pick up your voice while also being out of the way of your facial movements and the rubbing and scratching sounds that they can cause. In addition, many headsets also have noise cancelling technology that actively blocks background sounds.


Always ensure that light comes from the front as it ensure that your face is visible, if it’s too bright behind you then your face may appear like a dark silhouette. Clear the clutter as it gives the impression of being disorganized. Ensure nothing in the background is not distracting for the interviewer.

Body Language:

Albert Mehrabian’s research says 55 percent of messages processed by the brain are based on a person’s body language.

+ Handshake:

One of the most important part of the interview process is in the initial few seconds, this is the time when you greet the interviewer with a firm handshake and introduce yourself. This is a chemistry stage which once build decides the course of the interview. It is difficult when on a video call. Hence a confident, professional nod with shoulders bend forward and eyes looking ahead is one way to start. Though seems like a small gesture, it indicates that you are happy to be where you are at that moment in time.

+ Eye Contact:

When you establish good eye contact, you’ll feel heard and appear likable. In a video call interview, it’s different. In a video call, looking at the person’s eye /image on screen, which is natural makes it appear like you are looking down on your Video call partner. When you look at the camera directly, it looks like you are making eye contact. Practice talking to the camera and find a position which you are most comfortable so you can sit if required for a long duration.

+ Smile:

Smile is the most important but least practised tool. Not smiling leads to you looking serious and nervous. Putting a post it note away from camera which says “Relax “or “Smile” helps you during the interview. Be enthusiastic as Video call interviews tend to dampen the personality sometimes, make an effort to be your pleasant self as much as possible.


It’s best to dress professionally for the interview, which means minimalistic and clean. It’s easy to get in the temptation of dressing up only above the waist but if for some reason you have to stand up, you don’t want your shorts or jeans to ruin the impression. Dress for the part as in a real interview as it will help you get in the zone.

Make up:

What looks great on person looks different on camera. Makeup helps to enhance the present and add a dash of Fab. A little bit of eye makeup helps brighten and conceal where needed and goes a long way to make a person look good.


Benefit of a skype interview is that you can have a cheat sheet in front of you (Of course not too many, that you look distracted) so that you don’t have to memorize everything you want to mention.

The Don’ts:

· Avoid sitting too close to the camera and sit straight as it goes a long way to improve posture and look confident.

· Close all the other applications and also stop surfing the web while during the interview.

· Stop looking at your face every time on the small screen during the video call as it gets distracting.

· Keep all the electronic gadgets away from the computer or phone as they might create signal interference.

· Avoid using bedrooms if possible, for video interviews and if used ensure all personal and inappropriate objects, which give away too much unnecessary information are removed.

Last and not the least, always keep Plan B ready for everything, in case internet connection is lost or development of an emergency. Thinks can go awry even with the best of planning and circumstances. Be smart and do not lose your cool as a recruiter would always prefer someone who thinks on his/her feet.

Fashion Fix for the First Trimester

First trimester wardrobe haul…..

This write-up is mainly for the first time ‘Mom to be’s’ but if it helps fathers and any already ‘Mommy’ then I would be super honored. Pregnancy is beautiful but the process is daunting for the uninitiated especially the first few months (a.k.a first trimester).

This article would hopefully help you approach the clothing aspect with more confidence and the rest would be fabulous. It’s said that a woman looks her best when she is pregnant and it’s obvious since she is creating a life in her. Of course the first trimester does everything to her body to make her feel otherwise. Morning sickness, nausea, hormones overload, mood swings, belly and hips getting wider are just the more famous evils.

Embrace the fact you are pregnant and your body is supposed to change slowly and gradually. Many people don’t want to divulge their growing secret until at least the second trimester and that lasts up to 14 weeks. Now comes the challenge, How to hide the bump till you are ready to tell or look slim without spending too much.

Few things to remember before we start on that:

  1. Comfort is crucial and hence clothes which ease the belly and bust area does help a lot to go through the first few months in peace. Invest in good comfortable lingerie. Women usually feel pain around the rib cages and wearing underwire is almost cruel. Buy bras with wide band for back and shoulder support, to ease any discomfort.
  2. Contrary to what is heard you do not have to buy a lot of maternity clothes in the first three months. Lot of the clothes from your current wardrobe usually tides you over for couples of months or at least till you are noticeably big.
  3. Get the small messenger bags out as now you are supposed to avoid carrying heavy things. So if the bag is small, it becomes a conscious effort to abide by that rule.

  1. Wear flat comfortable footwear and size up for additional comfort.

Wardrobe picks:


This is a time when your favorite pair starts to let you down by a few centimeters every time you pick it. Before you run to get those maternity pants, here is a tutorial to make it go a few extra miles.

It’s called the hair band trick…. its super cool


Add layers to your clothes. If it’s hot and humid mostly as in Mumbai, India then light weight blazers for work and shrugs or button down shirts for casual wear which takes the attention away from the belly area.

Go long:

  • Buy long tank/ vest tops that skim over your belly. There are varieties to choose from, razor back, camisole style, wide shoulder straps. Try getting the ones with support as any amount of support is welcome during this time. They are great when layered.
  • Elongate your form. Long slouchy tops or dresses (Jersey knit, shift, t-shirt style, A line, boho style, fit and flare).
  • Blouson style top is one that has a fitted waistband at the bottom but some roominess above the band. The fabric falls loosely over your belly while the fitted waistband keeps the look more tailored


It’s comfortable and can be made into a fashion statement always. Combine it with Duster jacket, chunky sweater, sneakers and lo behold..…diva has emerged.


Elastic and drawstrings are excellent to adjust the increase in width. Harem pants which are narrow at the bottom are also cool if you don’t want a boxier look.

Vertical designs:

Vertical designs are instantly slimming. Just ensure that print is not bigger or smaller than you as a person, as it will overwhelm the whole outfit.

Colour blocks

Placing dark colours over your stomach will make it look small. Disappearing panels and ombre designs also have the same effect, the darker portion will help mask your middle.


Ruching is a technique where fabric is gathered and bunched. When a fabric is rouched in the right place, it can take attention away from the abdomen and sometimes make the waist look smaller.

Donts :

Avoid empire line tops till you are actually ready to tell people about your pregnancy.

Stay away from low waisted jeans as they would be very uncomfortable after the first few weeks.

Short length dress/ skirt sometimes broadens your structure.

Covering yourself with sweat clothes garners more attention and makes you look lumpy.

Avoid tops that are too billowy and tent-like, as well. Look for ones that flow gracefully over the extra pounds beneath while still having a bit of shape.

It’s easy to maintain your own style by following some tricks and tips for comfort. Use lotion early and everywhere. Hydrate, water is your best friend. Maintain a journal if you can and do not forget to take a before picture. The picture is fun and will help you compare and check progress, also motivate you to lose the baby weight after your pregnancy.

Check out the collection in for your fashion needs anytime, any season, any reason.…

Soon will be coming out with a detailed book about the entire clothing process during pregnancy ……. Until next time………. XOXO


Love to all…


Aarti Mishra



Crop tops… is it a classic already !

My early memory of crop top is having seen Will Smith wearing it in the sitcom ‘Fresh Prince of Bel Air” or ‘Apollo Creed’ in the movie ‘Rocky’. For the longest time I was under the impression that it was worn mainly by men and after reading a couple of articles about the same, I realised that it was somewhat true for a short period of time atleast .

In the 70’s football athlete and musicians, mainly rappers used to wear it a lot. It was not until the 80’s and 90’s that it was seen as an aerobic workout outfit for men and women and soon became a big part of the fashion scene … its said the movie ‘Flashdance‘ initiated the craze.

Crop tops have been part of most girls’ pre adulthood era, it was often used as a sign of rebellion and also kind of trying to understand your sexuality while growing up. We all had one for sure which was worn on a sunny summer afternoon at the beach or during our girly outings together shopping or movies. All in all crop tops were part of our pre grown up, flat midriff and can wear anything coz we are young times.

Today I wonder, if I can wear the same even if I have an okay mid riff and a bootylicious jeans to go with it, will it be over the top trying to hard, isn’t it revealing to show so much skin? Shy .. sure.. but all the while curious…… Toying with these questions I started my quest to find pairing for my sweet, cute, oh.. makes me look so hot but still appropriate for my crossed teens long time back years.

While one may feel it a tricky trend, I found out eventually that it is versatile and every girl can find a way to sport one in a way that’s comfortable for her.

Here are some ways that may sway you to the cropped side—or if you’re already here, convince you to stay:

Go slow:

If still hesitant, you can go for slightly modest, longer crop tops in thicker material.

long crop top

High Waisted:

Since the hem of the top is short, add height of the waist of the bottom and very little or no skin is seen. Try voluminous midis or culottes to class up the act.

crop top with high waisted skirt


Another conservative route is adding sleeves to the crop top as it adds a sense of balance the short top.

crop top with sleeves


The crop tops don’t necessarily need to be skin tight, maybe a baggier fit would be more comfortable and less nerve wracking for some.

loose crop top


Matching separates would make them look cute and more lady like.

matching crop top set


It can be worn under a dungaree, overalls, romper or a jumpsuit. Offers a nice cute peek to the side of your upper body.

dungaree and crop top

Professional ensemble:

Contrary to the belief, this garment when teamed up with a high waisted bottom and a blazer does wonder to your work look.

crop top blazer

Last but not the least, Layer:

It is a winter surprise, one can wear it on top of your long tops or dresses for a relaxed, effortless look.

Crop over shirt

You can visit for a taste of crop tops. You will find a good range and selection to suit every need.

See you soon with my next blog… till then stay in love .. XOXO… Aarti Mishra.